

I believe in spreading the knowledge about physics and astronomy to everybody and teaching is one of the best methods on doing this. Astronomy is often called the gateway drug to physics and I am happy to embrace my role as a facilitator for people to get excited about science.

I am just learning to effectively do this at the University level and will try to post resources or helpful articles on the site. Maybe I will also have a new idea or method, which I will try to present on my blog, too.

I am also attending courses, such as the “Senior Teaching Professionals” program to better myself. Astrophysics can often be perceived as a daunting course; it is up to me to try to make it so that the student can effectively grasp its concepts without dumbing down the science too much.


Beginner astronomy resources - from AstroBetter, a compilation of links in order to make your “intro to astronomy” or similar class better.

Teaching Astronomy

Universität Potsdam - Campus Golm

Sommersemester 2012:

Einführung in die Astronomie, Teil II
Vorlesung: Montags 10:15-11:45
Übung: jeden 2. Montag 12:15-13:45

Wintersemester 2012/13:

Einführung in die Astronomie, Teil I
Vorlesung: Montags 14:15-15:45
Übung: jeden 2. Freitag 16:15-17:45

Sommersemester 2013:

Vorlesung über Quasare und Aktive Galaxien